2018 Banquet Celebrations
Saturday 24th February saw Lincoln Park players and guests in their finery to celebrate the efforts of the past year and recognise their outstanding players.
Maggianos was the venue and as usual, everyone dressed to impress, including Kyle Andrus with a luxurious velvet jacket in club colours.
The awards are on the whole voted on by their peers with the exception of Rookie of the Year and Coaches Award which are selected by the coaching staff.
Award Winners
D2 Back: Nate Brady
D2 Forward: Zoby Boghani
D3 Back: Jordan Ehlert
D3 Forward: Karl Johnson
Rookie: Nils Schaede
Coaches Award: Ace Ujimori
Earle Bevins Trophy: Dave Root
Thanks to all who came along to support this event and we look forward to seeing you all in the summer for the 50th Anniversary Celebrations.