RMHC Fund Raiser

RMHC Fund Raiser

At this time of year, we have in the past got together and had some fun at our Annual Xmas Sweater Bowling event. For obvious reasons, this was not possible this year. Unfortunately, this meant we were also unable to gather for the accompanying toy drive – where...
Xmas Bowling Toy Drive Follow-up

Xmas Bowling Toy Drive Follow-up

Thanks to all who came out to the Xmas Ugly Sweater Bowling party on Friday night. Timber Lanes was full of the finest Christmas clothing. This was certainly one of the best-attended bowling nights we have had in recent years. However, it is doubtful that we shall be...
Xmas Sweater Bowling 2017

Xmas Sweater Bowling 2017

Once again, join LPRFC for our Annual Christmas Ugly Sweater Bowling Outing. This year, we are asking everyone to bring a toy which we will be donating to the Lurie Children’s Hospital to bring a little Xmas joy to those who must, unfortunately, spend the...