Experience: 6 years
What do you love about living in Chicago? Neighborhood bars and restaurants
What hobbies do you have outside of rugby? Playing music, cooking, reading
Where have you lived before moving to Chicago? Various places in Kansas and Washington DC.
Are you much of a reader? if so what’s one of your favorite books? Yes, A Scanner Darkly, Phillip K. Dick
What’s one of your favorite sports teams? Super Bowl LIV Champion Kansas City Chiefs
Art museum, Shedd Aquarium, Adler Planetarium, or Field Museum? Adler Planetarium
What’s your go-to place to take a date in the neighborhood? Sal’s Trattoria
What’s your favorite bar in Chicago, currently? Toon’s Bar and Grill
What’s your favorite memory from your LPRFC career? Win against Green Bay in the playoffs (spring 2017?)
What’s a goal of yours for the upcoming rugby season? Have a season in the fall
Why do you think The Blind Side, a truly awful film, was nominated for an Oscar in 2010 ahead of Invictus, which was arguably the best rugby film ever made? American Exceptionalism
Who currently has the best nickname in the club? Tie: Jake Laux and Matt Prengaman
What’s something about you that you’re fairly sure your teammates don’t know? 1998 KATM (Kansas Association of Teachers of Mathematics) Math Contest Champion
If you could recommend a venue in Chicago that everyone should go see a show at, whether it’s a concert or play, what is that venue and why? Schubas – small venue, good sound setup, occasionally get bands that should be playing bigger spots