Experience: 8 years
Whats your favorite thing about rugby? There is a place on the pitch for almost anyone. Also the global nature of the game, made a lot of friends from outside of the US during their time with LP.
Is there anyone on the team you would call a mentor, rugby or otherwise? Former captain Kyle Toombs. My first practice with the club we knocked heads and his wife Kelsey took us both to the ER to get stitches. I couldn’t join another club after that. Also Caleb Stein, he was the D3 captain for a number of memorable seasons leading the way at 10.
What is something you love about living in Chicago? Always something going on during the non-winter months.
What’s your favorite bar in Chicago, currently? Galway Bay, a nice little basement bar with darts/pool/N64.
What’s your favorite memory from your LPRFC career? 33-31 Flying Forties win over Oconomowoc in a league game fall of 2015. Might have been my first full 80 for LP and I remember leaving it all on the field. Great team win.